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base_icon_transparent_background-4649c71d Vendors Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Vendor Terms and Conditions
24th July 2024
The following is a copy of our Vendor’s Terms and Conditions as printed on the reverse of the vendor’s Property Receipt and Contract:

1. Powers of Sale

PRESTIGE JONES AUCTIONS, (PJA), will endeavour to sell property listed in the attached Property Description and referred to as ”the Lots”. The Lots will be sold at online public auction unless otherwise agreed between PJA and the Vendor. Since PJA will be selling as the Vendor’s agent, the contract for the sale of the Lots will be between the Vendor and the highest bidder accepted by the auctioneer, referred to as “the Buyer”. PJA will endeavour to sell the Lots to the Vendor’s best advantage. PJA shall have complete discretion as to: (a) whether to offer any Lot for sale; (b) the way the Lots are described and illustrated in the catalogue and any condition report, saleroom notice, advertisement or other literature; (c) the date, place and conditions of sale and the manner in which the sale is conducted; (d) whether to admit or refuse to admit any person to its premises for attendance at any auction or otherwise; (e) whether to accept any bid, withdraw or divide any lot or to combine any two or more lots; (f) in the case of dispute, whether to put any lot up for auction again; (g) subject to any reserve to sell any Lot after the auction at which the Property did not sell. PJA reserves the right to bid for the Lots on behalf of the Seller. All Lots will be sold at a price which is inclusive of GST if any.

2. Withdraws

The Vendor may not, without PJA’ agreement, withdraw any Lot from sale or increase the reserve. If PJA agrees to the withdrawal of a Lot, or increase in the reserve, the following fees will apply: (a) A fee of 30% of the reserve where the reserve is increased and the item fails to sell; (b) A withdrawal fee of 30% of the reserve if an item is withdrawn and the item has yet to be catalogued or marketing has not taken place. (c) A fee of 35% of the reserve if an item is withdrawn and the item has been catalogued for sale or if specific promotion has taken place. All fees will be based on the reserve, or where there is no reserve, on the median of PJA' selling range. The Vendor will be liable to pay the withdrawal fees plus any costs incurred and PJA may retain possession of the Lots until all amounts due from the Vendor are paid.

3. Ownership

The Vendor warrants that the Vendor is either the owner of the Lots free and unencumbered or that the Vendor is properly authorised to sell the Lots by the true owner and is able to transfer good title free from any third party claims whatsoever. The Vendor will indemnify PJA, its servants and agents and the Buyer against any loss or damage suffered by any of them in consequence of any breach of the above warranty by the Vendor as a result of PJA’ reliance upon any information supplied by the Vendor or any agent of the Vendor. In the case of firearms, motor vehicles, registered artefacts and other goods requiring licenses or certification the Vendor warrants that the Vendor is in possession of and will supply to PJA upon request all documentation required by law in connection with the use or ownership of the Lots.

4. Illustrations

The Vendor gives PJA full rights to photograph and illustrate any Lot at the cost stated overleaf or at PJA’ discretion, and to use such photographs and illustrations, as well as any provided by the Vendor, at PJA’ absolute discretion for any purpose whether connected to the auction or not. Certain lots may be subject to an additional copyright licence fee.

5. Reserves

The Vendor may, in consultation with PJA, set a reserve price prior to the Auction. PJA is under no obligation to offer goods at Auction subject to reserves set solely by the Vendor which are unacceptable to PJA. Any reserve set is before commissions and expenses.

6. Commission and Expenses

Unless otherwise stated in writing between PJA and the Vendor, the rate of commission shall be set at 15%, that is a percentage of the hammer price irrespective of any GST included in the hammer price. The Vendor will in addition pay GST on the commission. The Vendor acknowledges that PJA may retain any premiums charged to the Buyers. Any transfer fee, copyright licence fee, artists resale royalty or charge made by a local or national governmental authority in connection with the transfer of ownership of the goods and insurance; cartage; photography; restoration; framing and any other costs in respect of the lots incurred are payable by the Vendor. These costs will be deducted from the price obtained or, in case of Lots not sold, shall be paid by the Vendor before the goods are removed.

7. Lien

The Vendor grants to PJA a general lien coupled with the power of sale over any property of the vendor in PJA’ possession or control which PJA may decide to appropriate, hold or sell to settle any debt owing by the Vendor to PJA however arising.

8. Insurance

Vendors are welcome to arrange their own cover whilst their goods are in the care of PJA. the Vendor shall accept that the Property remains at the risk of the Vendor until risk of loss or damage passes to the Buyer and the Vendor shall agree: (a) to indemnify PJA’ employees, servants and directors from any loss, damage, claim, or costs in respect of any loss or damage to the Vendor’s property arising from any cause whatsoever including circumstances where negligence is alleged or proven; and (b) to provide evidence to PJA that the insurer of the Vendor (if any) has been informed of the indemnity contained in this clause and that the insurer agrees to the waiver of any rights or claims against PJA in respect of the Lots.

9. Unsold Lots

PJA has the sole and exclusive right to retain and to sell the Lots on commission at current reserve for twenty one days after the date of the auction at which the goods were passed in. The Vendor will not sell or offer the Lots during such period. Lots unsold at auction or subsequent sale must be collected at the Vendor’s expense within the period of one month after the Vendor receives notice from PJA. Unless the vendor arranges a reduced reserve in writing or withdraws the item from PJA then the reserve shall be deemed to reduce by 50% for each subsequent offering without notice to the vendor. Unless PJA agrees, if any Lot remains unsold twelve months after its receipt by PJA it may be sold at PJA’ discretion as to method and price without regard to any reserve.

10. Payment

Buyers are required to pay promptly after sale. PJA shall remit to the Vendor the net proceeds of sale, which shall be the Hammer Price less all charges no later than 21 working days after the date of sale or subsequent negotiated sale. PJA sell as agent for the Vendor and is not responsible for any default of the buyer. If the buyer fails to pay the purchase price in full within two weeks after the auction PJA shall endeavour to notify the Vendor and take the Vendor’s instructions as to the appropriate course of action. So far as, in PJA’ opinion, it is practicable PJA will assist the Vendor to recover the purchase price from the Buyer, but PJA shall not be required to issue proceedings against the Buyer in its own name. Any proceedings issued will be at the Vendor’s instructions and expense.

11. Limited Warranty

If the Buyer of any Lot returns the Lot to PJA in the same condition as it was at the time of purchase, within the period of 24 months from the date of purchase and it is proven to be a fake or a deliberate forgery, whether or not the status of the Lot was known to the Vendor, the Vendor shall accept the return of the Lot and shall refund any money received from PJA in respect of that Lot.

12. Remedial Work

PJA reserves the right to have any remedial work done to the goods at the Vendor’s cost if in its opinion such is required to make the Property more saleable.

13. Damage to Frames

Because of their susceptibility to damage PJA will not be held responsible for minor damage to picture frames although all reasonable care in handling is undertaken.

14. Authority to Seek Independent Opinion

The Vendor authorises PJA to seek independent opinion or assessment of any Lot and for PJA to use such information (or any similar information) provided by the Vendor in any manner at its sole discretion in presenting that Lot for sale, and consents to the opinion or assessment being attached to the Lot being sold.

15. Trading Name

Prestige Jones Auctions is a trading name of Jones & Jones Limited